Climbing in Borneo

Climbing in Borneo
Second pitch of Make it Snappy, 7b+, Berhala Island

Sandakan Wall Climbing Centre

Sandakan Wall Climbing Centre
New, For You.... Sandakan Wall Climbing Centre - Sports Complex

Berhala Island, Bolted climbing in Sabah

Berhala Island, Bolted climbing in Sabah
Contact us for a route guide, free

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Climbing magazine

The intrepid Daniel Holz came to Berhala and published this article in the Climber magazine website;

Monday, May 3, 2010

Guess what....

Correct! absolutely nothing has changed.
The wall is slowly being vandalised, stuff getting stolen, no security whatsoever to protect it and do you think anyone cares?
Had the money to create this project come from private funds, or if anyone at the Sports Board were accountable for its success this situation would not be happening. Someone would care.

We will keep pushing to get the centre open, its a crushing disappointment to see it being left and a real lesson for us about who we work with and what terms we negotiate at the beginning.

There is another climbing centre currently in the pipeline and while it is not yet finalised it could still be open before Likas!

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